LUG Nutz

February 16, 2008

My manifesto of insignificance

Knowing that my death is certain and my time of death is uncertain
Knowing that the work I do matters and also will not last
I’ll strive to do Great Work
I won’t take things too seriously
I’ll strive to create things of beauty
I’ll enjoy today.
I’ll love the people in my life

–by Michael Bungay Stanier

I’ve been debating on what to put on this page, and I guess I’d like to start by recommending Michael Bungay Stanier’s websites: The Possibility Virus (catch the possibility virus for a life of fun, inspiration, & action), with sidetrack pages to The 8 Irresistible Principles of Fun, The 5.75 Questions You’ve Been Avoiding, Box of Crayons, and his monthly newsletter, Outside the Lines.

His bio states:

Michael Bungay Stanier is the Principal of Box of Crayons. He helps organizations, teams and individuals get unstuck and get going on the stuff that matters. He is a masterful facilitator and trainer, a certified coach and an experienced consultant. He is also the creator of Get Unstuck & Get Going™, a self-coaching program endorsed by leaders in the coaching, corporate and non-profit worlds.

Michael is the 2006 Canadian Coach of the Year. He was a Rhodes Scholar, and has held senior roles in the corporate, consulting and agency worlds. Michael has lived and worked in Australia, the UK, US and Canada. His motto is, “what’s possible?”

I was thinking that it is easy to use these pages or those of a journal to wallow in problems. Sometimes that is necessary to work through things. But there comes a point when you have to ask – is this who I want to be? is this how I want to spend my time? and also, is there some way I can contribute something positive to others?

Best wishes to all, and thank you for visiting my site.



What is LUG nutz? It’s life under glass – perhaps a magnifying glass – perhaps a colored glass.  You decide.  It might make you sane; it just might make you go nutz. Either way, if you are reading this, it’s a good sign you are still breathing. Keep it up.  It’s the secret to a long life. As we try to make sense of it, one thing is certain: life is a gift. What are you doing with yours?


  1. Love it, blythe! I like how you find really good things and share! Thanks! Shu

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